The AMD Ryzen 2300X processor has four cores and the same number of computing threads. The base clock frequency of this CPU is 3.5 GHz and the boost clock is 4.0 GHz. In turn, the AMD Ryzen 2500X has four cores, but it supports SMT so it offers eight threads. AMD Ryzen 2500X features a base clock of 3.6 GHz and a boost clock of around 4 GHz. The TDP level of both CPU models is 65 watts.
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Intel i9-9900K vs Ryzen 2700X
As a part of the promotion of a new generation of processors, Intel, in cooperation with Principled Technologies (PT), has tested its latest CPU i9-9900K. This paid demonstration of power, put the Intel i9-9900K processor on the line of rival offer: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX and 2950X models, as well as by the number of cores equal to the Ryzen 2700X model, where the results showed that Intel’s clock is on average faster by 30 to 50 percent when compared with the AMD Ryzen 2700X model.
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AMD Ryzen will start shipping in the next 4-5 weeks. Most likely, the new CPU will be available in early March, 2017. AMD will first launch the AMD Ryzen 8 core / 16 threads CPUs, and four core CPUs would be launched about 3-4 months later. There will be no 6 core AMD Ryzen CPU coming out. New AMD Ryzen CPUs are built on a 14nm FinFET manufacturing process and it is expected to offer 40 percent improvement over its previous 28nm architecture known as Excavator. AMD Ryzen will compete…
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